Anxiety is a Normal Response.
Anxiety is our brain and body’s way of protecting us. It alerts us of potential dangers and reminds us of unpleasant experiences so that we may stay safe. We need a healthy level of anxiety to survive. The issue comes in when our minds begin overthinking, overworking, and telling us that danger is imminent when there is no real threat. Those anxious thoughts can keep us on high alert. It can be an isolating experience because you may become filled with judgement and shame. You may even realize this vicious anxiety cycle, but you may not see a way out. Anxiety is one of the most commonly diagnosed mental health disorders, affecting roughly 40 million adults. Our anxiety may manifest in low levels, or become so severe that you are unable to leave the house or maintain relationships. We want to work to get anxiety to a healthy and manageable level that won’t interfere with your ability to enjoy life.
Signs You May Be Experiencing Anxiety
Excessive worries and fear of doom
Overthinking and racing thoughts
Fear of making mistakes or being judged
Inability to relax or concentrate
Frequent fatigue or restlessness
Panic attacks or panic like symptoms
You are ready to control these thoughts and stop them from controlling you.
As your therapist, we will get to the bottom of why you are feeling anxious in the first place. You will be able to unpack in a place where you never have to worry about judgement. We will sift through your thoughts and provide skills and understanding for the ones that don’t serve you. You will grow comfortable with processing your thoughts for yourself in ways that lead to a meaningful and productive life. You will work with your anxiety, rather than against it. You deserve to have freedom and peace and I can help get you there.