What days/hours are you available for sessions?
I currently offer morning and afternoon sessions Monday - Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm. We will work together during our initial phone consultation to find times that work for your schedule.
Do I need therapy?
Yes! If there is a concern on your heart and mind, you can benefit from therapy. Sometimes, people feel that something has to be seriously wrong or you have to be severely mentally ill to get help. This is not the case. There will always be someone who has it seemingly better or worse than you. Regardless, you all deserve to have healing and peace, and therapy can help.
What happens during the intake session?
The intake session is a diagnostic extension of our phone consultation. I will gather more information and history. I will ask a series of questions to determine the extent of your needs so that we can develop goals unique to your present concerns. This session is also the perfect time to ask any questions that you may have about therapy and the process.
How long does therapy lasts?
The length of therapy depends on you and your needs. I ask clients to commit to a minimum of 12 weeks to create consistency and long lasting change. Be patient with yourself and trust your journey. Most clients are able to see progress within the first few weeks. You can expect sessions to initially run weekly, and then be stepped down to bi-weekly and monthly as goals are met and concerns decrease.
What is the cancellation policy?
Clients can cancel or reschedule a session any time, as long as they provide a notice within 24 hours. If you cancel a session with less than 24 hours, or if you fail to show, you will be charged the full session fee.
Are the sessions really confidential?
Yes! Everything that is said during our therapy sessions are completely and absolutely confidential with 3 exceptions: danger to a child/elderly, danger to others, or danger to yourself. To this point, I am bound by law to report and have everyone’s safety as my top priority.
How do I know when I am done with therapy?
How are you feeling? How does this compare to before? if I’ve done my job right, then I will eventually work myself out of being your therapist. I have clients who meet their goals and feel confident to use the tools they have learned to move on. This is also decided upon with the knowledge that they are able to come back! I have others who enjoy the consistency and outlet that therapy provides, and they choose to stay on for longer intervals for their maintenance and growth.
How much will this cost?
How much is your peace worth? Therapy is an investment and you are worth it! I offer several options and you can get many of your questions answered here.
How do I get started?
Book your free 15 minute consultation today!